Woolsey Family Blog

Our family consists of four daughters, a son in law and a grandson with another grand baby on the way due in October!
Their names are:
Benjamin Tyrrel- 29
Kirsten Tyrrel-25
Connor Scott Tyrrel-18 months
Ashlee-20- BYU
Desiree-17-Snow Canyon High School
Tasha-14- Snow Canyon Middle School
We love living in St. George and have made in our home for the past 14 and a half years!
I hope to be a better blogger so that I can create memorable memories before I forget!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Washington DC, Family

This blog is going to stay more updated now...it's a great way to show pictures and keep in touch with everyone.  First on the update is Desi's visit to Washington DC for the Presidential Inauguration.  She was selected with 5 other students from her school to go on the trip. They go every year to DC, but this year was special due to the inauguration.  She had a lot of fun and barely remembered the sights we visited 8 years ago on our family vacation.  She's a lucky duck!

Desi also got to attend a junior inaugural ball.  She looked so pretty and was the only girl wearing sleeves! We're proud of all of our daughters for being modest.

Yesterda we went on a family hike at Red Cliffs.  Kirsten took some pictures of Ashlee for her senior pictures and we all had fun hiking the trails.  Here are some fun pictures.

We're enjoying the cool weather but looking forward to Spring!  We are very blessed to have visited the Bahamas for Christmas.  I'll post a slideshow of those pictures later.  Love you all!